Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Cycles of Profound Change ~ Deeper Insights to the 'Judgement'

Greetings dear lighted ones, I have been inspired to communicate the profound energies of cycles, changes, and why transformation is key, the power of ascension is the tuning in for you own unique ride with Source, the Universe, the Omni-presence, and that of your soul's ache to move forth. This has been a truly wonderful path, for me, I have been on this path for many, many years, and how I have been teased into a new beginning, and I say 'tease' with the most adoring manner in which endings always provoke new beginnings. This is the cycle of what we know to be 'era' and how the tarot, the esoteric, the fundamentals of spirituality guide us into our own souls ache for transformation and how cycles allow us to surrender, allow, and direct our wholeness into a greater Divinity with Creation; ever more in unity with Source. If you have missed any of our shamanic tarot readings, I inspire you to do so at our youtube channel; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpvfPuDfGfeEw6tqzPX6ssw/featured?view_as=subscriber Heavenly Radiance Shamanic Tarot and Ascension Teachings, Sacred Sound, and thus the past readings have been about these 'era's' that are refinement endings; endings are that which we are being called into 'life review' and perceive the cycle or era within the heart-minds eye; of the Higher Self, so that we see, we feel, we understand why we have chosen, taken, and experienced what we did and what soulful lessons, blessings and honouring have we gained from our adventure. Challenge after challenge, trauma and tragedy, and small victory and the err's that come from living and transmuting the ego-ic patterns and dysfunction that come from eons and collective imprints we are each here to transcend and release for new landscapes and new challenges. We can always allow ourselves the potential to grace, love, the light, in what can feel as if our darkest moments, our most tearing of our insides, to transcend and release what is the process of ascension; releasing eons of density, and limitation, beliefs we felt so entrained to believe, that have become the fabric of our being ness, and yet, we have the portals of potential in all moments to evolve and begin to allow the love of who we are to set a new foundation. What these esoteric and shamanic energies allow us to deepen and live with Divine purpose; what truths are you living and are you living in your deepest and most pure level of love; of spirit, or knowing, or blessed Oneness within Creation? The Judgement energy, the transitioning to new landscapes, the purity of ascension allows us to feel in a multi-dimensional way, how vast, wide, and infinite we are; and why our human ascension, awakening, spirituality and our journey is that of Divine and deep celebration; how truly strong and blessed we are and how spirit is our own remembrance, our liberation of our Heavenly presence.

Aart by Charles Frizzell
Art by Charles Frizzell
 The grander role your souls desire, the grander and deeper ache one comes with; the more challenge one will move through. The deeper we go, the higher we go; or the potential anyhow. There were many times dear ones, and those that are familiar with our offerings, that I was, through my own ego-ic doing, and lack of self, lack of honour, that I had slipped into a downward spiral of tragedy; feeling as if all that I had experienced was to beat me, and I hadn't the courage nor the energy to lift another finger to fight the fight. Little did I know, that I was perceiving my reality from the perspective through which all battles begin; not from the perspective that I now see and know to be the very paving that can help and assist others in healing the wholeness that humanity is now seeing as paramount for future earthly-human-new 5D system co-creations; in all areas; we must surely perceive from a more benevolent and Universal multi-dimensional honouring that understands the fundamentals of love and the absence of love; fear.

Judgment, the tarot card, the tarot understanding, from what I have seen, experienced, are seen from an infinite perspectives and now offer a shamanic Universal perspective; that which is the energy that spurs a new cycle that is the culmination of all other cycles; era. Judgment to me means far more, and much enriched than most give credit for; this is a very highly and spiritually soaked energy that seeps the value and honour of all that one has gained within any given era; and thus requires the life-review, reflection, and ceremony it asks. Judgment is a blessing, a crossing point, in which a portal, a doorway, a gateway, a ceremony of all that one has experienced; conscious and unconscious, awakened, and asleep, and to which at the point of awareness that judgment comes into play; wherever you are at; can you review all and bring forth your now NEW best version? We offer ourselves, from our higher perspectives, souls yearning, higher self knowing; how deeply can we love, forgive, and offer our hearts regardless of what we have experienced as we enter into a new gateway. These are the most profound foundations of what ascension and human evolution is truly all about; why the judgment energy is so profound in Divine esoteric and shamanic path work. And if so, if you stand proudly, and forgive fully, with loving compassion, to bless, to pray, and to commune to make amends; you are gifted, from yourself, higher self, Source, Your Soul, and teams, Karmic board; always a preview, and soul theme, blueprint arrangement, new missions and gateways, potentials, and dreams become catalyzed. We are constantly harmonizing within new heights of who we have always been, and releasing the limitations that have held us back from this Divine truth; therefore, we are offering to ourselves, if aware at a multi-dimensional level; the profound eagle-like perspective to see all landscapes we have drawn and oftentimes, tripped into and why this journey of human evolution is so very elegant. It allows us to see that even in our misgivings, or trips, were the steps we needed to bring forth our greatest wisdom and our deepest compassion.

Ascension, awakening is the conscious co-creation with Source, with spirit, our higher selves, our ALL-ness and the more we seek, the more we ponder, wonder, and seek the blessings of all moments, the more our wisdom activates; the more enriched our challenges and the greater soul growth. However for most, there is much of our life, in which we have not been 'awake' and directing our life in a sleepy-ego-ic state means that our review in these areas may feel somewhat frightening, in which we cared less, prayed less, and did whatever we wanted with little honour of what was truly occurring. The blessing of awakening, we begin very quickly to feel the importance and the grace of every moment. We appreciate the small and what use to be so intangible but now so valued essence of how we 'feel'and that these feelings, these emotions, help guide us to very intuitively into our souls' passion, our intuitive sensing's guide us, and the flow of love, life, and all within it, seem to swim with us in a more dynamic and elegant flow. The gateway to new Heavenly levels, majesties of the Heavens, and declared by your teams, your soul, Heavenly Councils, Source, Creation, and how entangled in Oneness and unified blessedness that we have always had; our upper, lower, inner and outer coming forth as ONE and our recognition of this passing and transmuting. This is awakening and living in Oneness with spirit, life, Creation, all that is Source, the omni-presence of magic, joy, love, and the Creator of new worlds, we are entangled within it all, and why we become lighter; cell, mind, matter, we lighten up through our inner love and joy and remembrance.
Judgment comes to us to stir our once again, souls ache to go deeper, farther, and wider; it is a call from the soul level to prepare you for a new cycle, a new era of challenge, gifts, wisdom, and service at a grander scale and cannot be overlooked or under-appreciated as a simple; 'judgment call.' It is far grander than this. It is a full circle life review and gateway to a new way of living, experiencing, and Oneness with Source; thus then, an entire new reality. This involves ceremony and ritual, and celebration from all realms and all councils and groups that one belongs with; on all levels, the all is aware of your passing gateway. The question is are you aware of how utterly profound and sacred this passing is? Judgment allows us to truly, if for the most profound purpose; appreciate who we are, and what we have been blessed with. To deeply honour this journey, this adventure, and what our co-creative potentials can arrange and prepare for new journeys and new co-creative landscapes; and if we have valued the simple yet challenging ride of loving unconditionally, forgiving graciously, and living as compassionately as we are able in any one moment, and thus then allowing us to stand firmly within our sovereign birthright to serve grander scales of Heavenly domain with honour and humility. Dear ones, these are not reviews in which we declare our badges, or honours, but to open within the depths of our beauty, our Oneness and love within all lessons, all moments, that we thought we were separate or alone, and found ourselves swimming in Source potential that whispered in every moment of our denying it; our integration time, our self-care time, our nourishing and honouring of all cycles; the 'judgment' is to deeply ache to know thyself, love thyself deeply, trust thyself deeply, honour thyself deeply, and nominate thyself as most high to serve anew. Thus then, the power of judgment comes as a gateway; a multi-dimensional offering to review, to reveal, to summon your best and highest wishes for how you choose to serve in a higher and wider landscape to test all that you have learned and offer back to those that seek your gifts, your wisdoms, and skills, and how this then allows for a new cycle of co-creation and honouring of all life within it. Ever testing and challenging that we remain faithful in our devotion to integrity, the greater good, the alignment of pure love, and living within the standards and joy of knowing thyself as a child of Heavenly matter and brilliance to create and summon the ALL to swim in this way too.
So dear ones, when you allow yourself to play, to serve, to be the lightworkers, that you are, have always been, you will inevitably allow for a cycle; small or grand; the end of an era, will inspire you to honour that has been, forgive and open your heart with Source in new ways so that you are able to step boldly forth into new visions, new dreams, new wishes that undoubtedly will catalyst a whole new set of miracles for you to wonder within. Honour this profound unveiling, you have earned it and doing the best that you can, loved as richly and purely as you can, forgive at every chance, and allow the heart to be your guide; Source and Creation will love you wholely into a new version of you to begin again. So blessed and so excited about this new era, that I am dancing in. Grace and joy, Joanna #ascension #judgment #tarot #shamanictarot #healinghumanity #healingourfamilies #UniversalOneness #universalwisdom #GodWithin #cyclesofascension #cyclesoftransformation #transformation #

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