I wanted to send out the new video's and healing illustrations, and keeping up with our contact, communion, and connection in times of sheltering;
We are Divinely profound in our power to co-create; so be sure to step into your Heavenly power with Source, as Source, and create some love, blessings, miracles, and super joy-joy!
There is no reason why any moment cannot be the miracle that is awaiting us to explore and allow through us;
I was inspired to create video's on healing, the grander and deeper, yet practical understanding of ascension, awakening and the affects of all upon our bodies, families, and ability to be in full Divine harmony; These, in my experience can be broken down in simple steps that truly can be a difference in staying sane through intense times;
Here is our latest weekly Shamanic Tarot - Storytelling and Gaia, Heavenly, Universal Ascension wisdoms through the esoteric tools of tarot;*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcFFkbDvHr0&t=691s
Here is our latest Sacred Corner ~ Healing and our Multi-dimensional bodies; The Subtle Fields, The God Fields, and Co-cReating Heavenly and Radiantly with Source Within;
*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgijGSSjuMU&t=7s
These are ascension, awakening, and humanity healing video's for newly and advanced light-workers for healing and transcending Akashic, emotional, and multi-dimensional re-balancing to a 5D field of new earth. These are usually catered to all beings; all levels, and don't worry, if you are newly awakened, if you listen to the video's a few times, you will get what you need at the level you need it, these are all timeless and means that you get new codes, new wisdoms, and activations every time you listen and open your heart.
I am offering this video today on the Subtle fields, because we do create every experience from our beliefs, and attitudes, and core vibration, if we have worries, and judgments, fears, we co-create with these, and those that are entangled with us; so to be open and loving and releasing any judgment that comes forth to renew your vibration to new potentials at all moments you can drop to your heart to do so will allow for greater aligned Source co-creations.
I will be offering as many video's as my time will allow; for the experience of co-creating as a human family, know that you have a tribe, know that you have a Divine family, and there are practical and easy daily tips, processes to help you move fluidically through times and healings that will require your calm and balanced approached.
For you and your family; circles, tribe, we all set the vibration for ever-heightened and loving realities; release fear and step into a dance and song to maintain your reality upliftment for your cells, bodies, organs, mind, health, and the ALL; your joy ripples through the ALL.
thank you for you light and for boldly shining it forth;
Blessings and great light,
Heavenly Radiance Youtube
Universal Love Light Youtube
Audio's and MP3's *** https://soundcloud.com/user-5603424
#Christhood #Gaia #lightworkers #crystallinechildren #ascensionandthefamily
#Christhood #Gaia #lightworkers #crystallinechildren #ascensionandthefamily
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